Speed is a
ranking factor

This is how we make sure your site is fast
Custom cache

We got fed up with all the porly coded and heavily bloated cache plugins on the market so we wrote our own.

It’s super lightweight and lightning fast.

Also we do not add compatibility for shit that we do not use. Makes life easier and the web faster.

Image optimization

When you upload an image (or download an image from the free image explorer) to your website we automatically optimize it for web.

We do not serve the original, full size, image as defualt because this is almost never what you want and it decreases speed by A LOT.

If you need some images original (for press download or something) then just change that settting for thoose images.

Fast servers

We have the best in class servers using the best in class technology.

We serve your page as it should be served. In case of high load we automatically scale resources up.

We can automatically detect if your database is running slow and switch (load balance) to a secondary for increased performance.

Custom embedd

No need for loading all the files, all the time. Actually the site will load eaven faster if we don’t load files at all. That’s why we scan files (moslty css and js) and embedd them whith the main request when possible.

If your a developer – read our documentation on how to add css and js so we can take care of this for you.


We serve some (not all yet) of our content from global CDN. That means the viewer of the site will download the asset (image, css or javascript) from a server near his local area and not from our web server.

That will increase speed for those requests if made from far away (ie from abroad)

Modern tech is faster

We built our stacks on modern tech only.

Over the past few years it has happened a lot on the web. Best practices change, code becomes deprecated or abandoned.

We continuasly update our code stack to keep up with the latest standards and we constantly work to keep the code free from bloat.

We measure
this for you

In your backoffice their is an SEO dashboard displaying your
(and your competitors) SEO key metrics.

This is a screenshot from the Google Pagespeed area of our backoffice with one competitor ( If you track your competitors effort you know where to start working with your own stuff if needed.

Track your keyword ranking positions

And the competitions rankings if you like ;-)

Graph in your backoffice

In your SEO dashboard we display your rankings

Also we keep track of your competitors rankings on the same keywords so you know if your in the leed or behind.

this is sample data for illustrational purposes only

What you need to know about SEO

Rank better with better understanding
Become faster

Well, at this point you should already know that you need a fast site to rank better.

Also you already know that we take care of this for you!

If you score below 90 (or lower than your competitors) on google page speed “performance” you should probably make som adjustments your self or ask a pro for help.

Content is king

You need good, high quality content and a llot of it. A common trend among the highest ranking sites (on difficult keywords – anyone can rank on easy keywords) is that they count their words in thousands.

They have a lot of quality content. Content that includes their keywords.

We measure this for you so you can compare your pages “total word count” and “keyword count” against your competitors pages.

Be user friendly

Make your pages with search engines in mind. Don’t make your pages “for” search engines.

With that said. You will probably rank a lot better if you understand the concepts of semantics.

Use titles and headings in the right way.

We actually measure a lot of this for you and we can give you hints on where/what needs an update.

OMG - backlinks matter!

The single most used ranking factor by Google and other search engines is still high quality backlinks.
You either deserve them or buy them. Seach engines count them as "votes" for your site when determining what to display in what order.

This feature is under construction

We are currently building this feature.
The fact that you can see it here on the main site means it is very close to release so check back with us soon.

low angle photography of gray tower craneClose

