Terms of Service

Easy to understand ToS

In summary; there are no binding time and we log your actions for security reasons. The client owns their content and we might delete everything if payment is not on time. Also, our support team has access to your stuff for your convenience. We want happy customers and are here to help!

This ToS was last updated 2023-02-27

General terms

This terms apply to everyone using or paying for our services including, but not limited to, clients and partners.


We will send you an invoice with 10 days due. Most of the time we send the invoice prior to setup but exceptions happen.

Fail to pay

If you fail to pay we will remind you. At some point we will terminate and delete your services, your data and all records of your stuff that we cannot keep for ever due to resource management. Such termination and deletion will be made without your explicit consent and maybe even without further notice.

If your in luck, we might have data stored in a backup some were to start your service again if you want to recreate your service. That recreation will come with a fee of 5000 SEK.

Binding time

There are no binding time. You are free to leave at any point. If you don’t love us. Please let us know because we will try to the best of our ability to make you a happy customer.


There will be no refunds. What you already have paid is your risk (and “bindning” time if you will). If you are uncertain if this is right for you there are several ways for you to try before you buy.

1) Ask your partner
2) Ask our support
3) Try yourself at try.tstck.io

Export content

Well, we dont mind if you want to export content. As far as we are concerned the Client is the rigtful owner of all content in their sites.

tstck.io takes no measures to harden (or to simplify for that matter) exportion of content. Be aware content fetched/exported from a site made in our platform might not fit well in other platforms. We do not give such guarantees and we might not be of much help since its not part of our routine and we do not host a regular version of wordpress. You are probably better of asking your partner for a custom export script.


For security reasons and to provide a better support almost every action on the platform is logged. Logs might contain personal information or other identifiable data such as IP-adresses, timestamps or positions.


We usually have nearly 100% uptime. Like 99.99%. Scheduled manual maintenance is between 22.00 and 00.00. Scheduled automatic maintenance is between 00.00 and 05.00. Those times the servers can be restarted a couple of times per year.

Client terms

This terms apply to the “clients”. That will be the rightful owner of the site.


You will be the one getting the invoice if your partner has not setup themself as invoice receiver.


We own the platform, the software and the servers. You own your content.

Depending on who created the content the copywrite might belong to someone else but know this. tstck.io and its staff will consider you, the client, to be the rightfull owner of all the content that belongs to a site linked to you.


Be aware that our staff and your partner will always have access to your site and information on it.

Of course we encrypt your passwords, but pretty much every other aspect of your data will be available to our support and to your partner if you have one.

Our support team is small and profesionall. Most actions made by staff will be logged.

Partner terms

This terms apply to the “partner”.

Fail to pay

If your client fails to pay we may or may not send any reminder to you. Instead be aware that content/settings or other stuff you have put in a clients site might be lost if the client does not pay in time. Do not keep information, templates or other things of value to your business on a client site.

Keep such information, settings, templates or other on another storage.


Regardles of the copywrite owner, the local legal agreements between clients and partner tstck.io will consider the client the rightful owner of content, images and other data inserted into their sites.


Be aware our support team has access to your partner portal. Your passwords are encrypted but pretty much every other aspect of your data is available to our support team.

Our support team is small and profesionall. Most actions made by staff will be logged.

This feature is under construction

We are currently building this feature.
The fact that you can see it here on the main site means it is very close to release so check back with us soon.

low angle photography of gray tower craneClose

